Beating the Heat: Nighttime Routines for Better Vein Health
Adopting a nighttime routine to battle the Summer heat can significantly aid in promoting better vein health, ensuring that your circulatory system functions optimally.

4 Fall Foods & Recipes for Improved Vein Health
Fall brings with it a delectable harvest of nutritious foods fit for the cornucopia that can also help you fight back against venous disease and various vein problems. Here are some you can try!

4 Summer Foods and Recipes for Improved Vein Health
It is summer once again, and with it comes hot days that can do a number on your veins. Luckily, it also brings plenty of nutritious foods to help you fight back against vein disease.

Is Menopause the Cause of Your Varicose Veins?
The hormones estrogen and progesterone are thought to play a role in the development of vein strength, so can their lower levels during menopause contribute to an increase in the risk of vein disease?

June is Men’s Health Month
Use this Men's Health Month as a great time to focus on your health and wellbeing by taking some time to learn more about the risks associated with vein disease.

How to Maintain Vein Health While Working from Home
Even at home, it’s important to stay active to protect your vein health. Here are six ways to stay active while working from home and why it's so important for your veins.

4 Tips for Keeping Healthy Veins in the Summer Heat
Despite all the benefits the summer months bring, there are some drawbacks as well, especially in terms of vein health. Here is how the heat can affect your veins and four tips for keeping your veins healthy this summer.

Athletes and Blood Clots
You might think because they are in peak physical condition and have incredibly active lifestyles, that athletes are immune from vein diseases such as Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) or Pulmonary Embolisms (PE). Unfortunately, no one is immune to vein disease of any kind including these two very severe types

Does Cellulite Cause Varicosities?
Much of the same factors that cause cellulite to form are also the main cause of varicose veins. All of these factors can contribute to impeded blood flow, which is one of the most important aspects for preventing vein disease.

7 Best Practices for Communicating with your Vein Specialist
Knowing how to properly communicate with your vein specialist is a crucial way to get the best treatment possible. Here are some of the best ways to communicate with your vein specialist when discussing treatment.