Why Early Detection of Vein Disease is Important?
Vein disease has a variety of tell-tale symptoms that can occur at various points of vein disease progression. It is important to understand and know what these symptoms and stages are.

Why do my Varicose Veins Itch?
We'll go through what varicose veins are and how they form, why they might be the source of your itching or other skin problem, and what you can do to treat varicose veins and their itchy skin.

Can Varicose Veins Come Back After Treatment?
In this article, we will explore why things like varicose veins might reoccur, the different types of treatment available, and what people can do if vein disease returns after treatment.

4 Summer Foods and Recipes for Improved Vein Health
It is summer once again, and with it comes hot days that can do a number on your veins. Luckily, it also brings plenty of nutritious foods to help you fight back against vein disease.

Is Menopause the Cause of Your Varicose Veins?
The hormones estrogen and progesterone are thought to play a role in the development of vein strength, so can their lower levels during menopause contribute to an increase in the risk of vein disease?

Does Crossing Your Legs Actually Cause Varicose Veins?
One of the common theories that has developed over time is the belief that crossing your legs can cause varicose veins and other vein health problems. Is this really true?

Is the Cost of my Vein Treatment Covered by Insurance?
Are you eligible for coverage for vein procedures and how much will it cover? This is an important question, so we'll discuss what insurance covers and the essential information you need to know.

June is Men’s Health Month
Use this Men's Health Month as a great time to focus on your health and wellbeing by taking some time to learn more about the risks associated with vein disease.

How to Maintain Vein Health While Working from Home
Even at home, it’s important to stay active to protect your vein health. Here are six ways to stay active while working from home and why it's so important for your veins.

4 Tips for Keeping Healthy Veins in the Summer Heat
Despite all the benefits the summer months bring, there are some drawbacks as well, especially in terms of vein health. Here is how the heat can affect your veins and four tips for keeping your veins healthy this summer.